Phuket Fantasea – The Ultimate culture Theme Park Ticket

Starting From

THB 1,680

Withness Thai culture, history, and mythology through the stage-of-the-art show that attracts visitors from all around the world.
Enjoy Thai and international buffets prepared by some of the finest chefs in Thailand.
Explore multiple pre-show activities at the Festival Village.
Phuket FantaSea is the ultimate night show you cannot miss!


  • Explore Thailand’s culture, mythology, and history through the Fantasy of A Kingdom Show
  • Walk through the Festival Village to enjoy shopping, shows, and activities
  • Have a Thai and international buffet dinner prepared by some of Thailand’s best chefs (optional)
  • The attraction is recommended for people of all ages
  • Round trip transfer to your hotel (optional)


Attraction operating hour17:30 – 22:00
Kinaree Restaurant operating hour18:00 – 20:00
Theater Gate Open19:45
Showtime20:00 – 21:00 

Seating Plan

ProgramPrice per person
Regular Seat1680
Regular Seat + Join Transfer1950
Regular Seat + Buffet Dinner1900
Regular Seat + Buffet Dinner+ Join Transfer2250
Gold Seat1950
Gold Seat + Join Transfer2250
Gold Seat + Buffet Dinner2150
Gold Seat + Buffet Dinner + Join Transfer2450