Kanchanaburi: Erawan Waterfall, Death Rail Way Train & Cemetery

Starting From

THB 5,000


Pick up at your hotel

Pick up at your hotel in Bangkok area


Lunch time at the water

There are many choices of Thai food for you here,


Enjoy waterfall

Start to hike up from level 1 to level 7. Don't worry as along the way up you would enjoy the most stunning scenery where you will never get bored. You could swim in each level or wait until you go up to the last level 7 as well.


Depart from waterfall

After you had done swimming and hiking now it's time to wash up and get changed


Death Rail Way

On the way back from the waterfall we will stop by at the most famous death rail way train. It was buit in the World War II when the Japanese army forced the prisoner of war to built this rail way in a short period of time. You can imagine a hundred thousand life had been suffer during the construction.



Stop by for a minute at this commemorial cemetery of those sacrificers during the death rail way train was built.


Back to your hotel

Time to get back to your hotel in Bangkok